I Really Don’t Know
But I’m making decisions every day
I was talking to a potential client the other day about implementing a Quadrant Five assessment at his company. (Don’t worry. This isn’t a sales pitch, so feel free to continue reading.)
I was talking to a potential client the other day about implementing a Quadrant Five assessment at his company. (Don’t worry. This isn’t a sales pitch, so feel free to continue reading.)
Quadrant Five is a highly effective methodology that focuses managers on the initiatives that deliver the greatest growth and earnings to their companies.
We think like buyers, looking for the hidden value we could mine after we buy your company. We find areas where we would redirect energies and dollars to achieve more with the resources you already have. Then, we share our insights with you.
We ask. First, we identify your strengths and weaknesses, along with successes and the frustrations of existing initiatives. Then, we get your customers to tell us why they work with you, why they might rely on your competitors, what they really value and what makes them stay loyal.
Yes and no. The concept is very simple, but it takes a lot of discipline and experience to ask the right questions, assess the responses and focus on the fundamentals that will drive stronger performance.
Possible, but doubtful. First, you are probably too close for a truly objective view. All the experience and filters you rely on each day will work against you in this process. Second, you have a full-time job already. If you haven’t found time to do this so far, there’s no reason to expect next month will be any easier.
We usually charge a flat fee of $15,000 for a Quadrant Five assessment—and we don't charge for incidentals like phone calls, copies, faxes or other minor items. We want to make it very transparent and predictable for our clients.
We usually need less than one day of management time to get started and then about three weeks to complete our assessment. A company that hires us today can usually begin accelerating its growth about a month from now.
Because we focus on the strengths you already have, we design our plans so you can implement them yourself. However, we are available to provide additional support as needed or introduce you to talented people who can handle the items outside our core expertise.
Sure. Just click here and send us your question. We will get a response to you within two business days.